Farming Simulator
Game Play Instructions:
All Levels:
To begin the game you will want to collect the items near the barn. Once picked up they will go to your inventory.
To toggle the inventory press 'tab' key on keyboard.
To equip items drag them to a spot in the bar at the bottom of the screen. Then the numbers in the top right corners of the square can be pressed to access the items.
To interact with the land in front of the house you must continuously click the space bar over each square of intractable land with an item equipped.

In the image above '1' would be used to access the medicine, '2' would be used to access the seeds, '3' would be used to access the harvester, '4' would be used to access the plow, and '5' would be used to access the watering can. (You can also just click the square that holds the item that you want to equip with your mouse).
To start your farm you will need to first equip the plow:

Press the corresponding number (in the top left corner) to equip the item.
Then you must interact only with the tiles in front of the house that look like this by pressing the space-bar over them:

Once plowed you must equip the seeds:

Press the corresponding number (in the top left corner) to equip the item. Then interact with tiles that you just plowed by pressing the space-bar repeatedly.
Once seeded you must equip the watering can:

Press the corresponding number (in the top left corner) to equip the item. Then interact with tiles that you just seeded (use space-bar).
Once watered you must equip the harvester:

Press the corresponding number (in the top left corner) to equip the item. Then interact with tiles that you just watered(use space-bar).
The harvester is what will reset the land and give you money in your bank account.
Also, you must interact with the land in the above order, or your plants will not grow!
First Level:
For the first level you must reach 50 points to beat the level.
Second Level:
In the second level you must also reach 50 points, but there is also the addition of a sick cow.
When the cow turns blue it is sick:

You have a set amount of time to cure the cow before it is removed from the game. If you save the cow you get 10 points added to your bank account.
To save the cow you must equip the medicine item and then press the m key:

Third Level:
This level is the same as the second level, but you have to reach 100 points in your bank account to beat the game. There is also an extra cow that becomes sick, but it always dies to demonstrate the animation.
After completing the third level you can start again.
Disclaimers: After you harvest the land, you can't plow in the same spots until the next level.
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